Volleyball Today – The Benefits of a Great Team Sport

Editor's Pick

Nowadays there is much talk about the benefit of volleyball, as a team sport, to individuals. This benefit is said to be even bigger than that of other more popular sports. Maybe the most popular of team sports is soccer but there are also others, like volleyball, that have the same important effects for the participants.

Volleyball, is unfortunately a neglected sport. It has neither been promoted as should have been nor it is of the most popular among young people. However it has positive consequences on people that like to take part in it.

First of all, it helps people to stay healthy and to preserve physical fitness, as it happens with other sports. At the same time it is a way, for young people, to release tension without turning to dangerous outlets such as violence and crime.

Another benefit of volleyball, is its contribution to the development of solidarity and cooperation between the members of the team. The common effort, brings individuals that participate in a volleyball game, closer to each other, while this game gives them the chance to cooperate for the best possible result.

From all the benefits that are described here, anyone can understand that this sport does not fall short in comparison to other sports. But despite its advantages few people take part in it. The main reason for this is that volleyball is not promoted by the mass media, while at the same time families and schools does not encourage young people to participate, because they think soccer, track and fields and basketball are the best ways of exercise.

However, in the last few years there is a trend to teach volleyball more often in gym classes. It is important that this trend be continued. Volleyball teaching in schools should become more systematic and at the same time young people should be encouraged to take part in volleyball games especially if this agrees with their personal inclinations.

At the same time the mass media should promote the sport through the broadcasting of volleyball matches or TV programmes that give information about the sport. This way people will discover volleyball and the new dimensions that the sport offers.

In conclusion, volleyball, like every sport, has positive results on individuals and so it is necessary for more people to realize the benefits of these results and make the effort to learn and enjoy the game.

Source by Maria Markella

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